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Sunday, 13 April 2014

Evaluation - Question 3 - Magazine Feedback

From my focus group, I learned these things about my double page spread:

- People noticed the consistent house style between my tasks and noted this. They liked the through lines that linked them, and thought they made the whole thing look professional. They also noted that they liked the colour scheme of the spread. I used a blue in this to differentiate the magazine as a brand but used my own brands logos and colour schemes mixed in with that to give a feeling of collaboration between the two.

- The stills of the film I used in the spread were suitable for the purpose and matched the tone of the task overall.

- The tree in the top right corner - which I used for the logo of my production company - was thought by some in the group to be out of place. When it came to filling in the space in the spread, I was struggling for ideas, as I could not get a still that was suitable to be in there, I already had the film's logo in there, and I could not think of anything else relevant to write, so I thought it might be a good idea to include the logo of my production company, however I am aware that this is probably not a usual practice within magazines, and it could be confusing.

- Some people also felt my layout could have used more work. Whilst it was almost a convention of my brand to have white space, some in the group felt that I had too much in the layout and that it could have been filled with stills from the movie. This was something I struggled with in production, and never felt like I fully achieved my goals within the layout of the product which was further reinforced by the focus group.

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