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Thursday 7 November 2013


Resources Needed:

- Camera
- Tripod
- Sound Equipment
- Camera Slide Mount
(Peter Dawson, cinematographer, is providing all above)
- Bottles of Water for Cast/Crew
- Notepads
- Copies of Scripts

All above, except recording equipment, is being provided by myself. All of the resources are needed on Saturday the 9th of November. We have called all of the actors at 9AM to begin recording, and have told them we should be done by about 3PM.

Potential Problems on set:

Absences are a potential problem. We intend on shooting everything in one day, but we are willing to go over into he next day if this problem should arise. Lighting is also an issue we will have to take into account as we will only have so many hours of daylight to work with, since the artificial light in the room isn't brilliant and we cannot find any other lights to bring down and use.
No permission slips are needed for set as none of the Cast or Crew are minors and have all verbally expressed their intent to be there.

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