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Monday 11 November 2013

Original Song

As part of my film, and to avoid copyright infringements, we wrote an original song which we called 'Lungs'. I decided to upload this song to the YouTube channel as a promotional video for the film.

This video can be found here

After filming this promo video, we realised that ripping the audio from this recording would suit the needs of the film, as the recording was not high enough quality. We got in touch with a local recording studio called The Garage, whose website can be found here, and booked in to record. We managed to get a great version of the song recorded in just over 2 hours, and then I uploaded the song to YouTube, along with a free download link if people felt like they wanted to have this song on their iPod etc.

The final version of the song, with the audio I have actually put in the film, can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Do you still have the emails etc from the garage to show your organisation of this session?
